Who We Are

Young Futures Consulting is led by Gretchen Young, a foresight practitioner, facilitator, and evaluator.

Gretchen started her career as a speech pathologist in regional South Australia but has worked in Queensland for most of her career. Gretchen worked for Queensland Health for 18 years in senior clinical, management and policy roles supporting metropolitan, regional, rural and remote communities; contributed to the design and implementation of population health programs; and facilitated workforce reform initiatives.

Across her career, the common thread has been Gretchen’s commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people and the health and wellbeing of their families and communities.

Gretchen supports organisations to complete visioning and planning with a medium to long view and assists with policy and program design, implementation, review and evaluation.

Gretchen established Young Futures Consulting in 2006. Since this time, she has contributed to many areas of the human services sector including health, disability, child safety, education, mental health, and domestic and family violence through State and Commonwealth government departments, not-for-profit organisations, peak bodies, and universities.

Gretchen holds a Master of Science (Strategic Foresight) and a Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology). She is a member of the Australian Evaluation Society. In 2023, Gretchen completed the Evolve Communities Ally Accreditation Program. Gretchen is committed to contributing to Australia’s reconciliation journey with the First Nations people of this nation.

Clarity Consortium
Gretchen works closely with an exceptional group of colleagues with complementary skills and aligned values. Together we form Clarity Consortium. As a group we have both the skills and capacity to respond to projects large and small across the breadth of the health and human services sectors.Clarity Consortium includes:
Gretchen and her colleagues take the time to understand the unique complexities and needs of each project, designing flexible and well-thought-out approaches. Young Futures possesses a diverse set of skills and knowledge, making them great to work with. They have consistently stayed connected and delivered on time, even across multi-year projects. Their evaluation and interim reports are thorough and free of surprises, showcasing their excellent writing and facilitation skills. Warm and friendly, Gretchen and her team provide excellent value for money.
I have engaged Young Futures multiple times within the health and social care sector when our organisation or teams have required clarity and direction regarding their vision, mission and way forward. Gretchen has a strong ethical lens which guides her practice. This, together with her capacity for deep level analysis and curiosity, allows her to provide a unique perspective to complex social problems. Ensuring purposeful engagement of the lived experience is paramount to Gretchen’s strategic approach.